Miss Kelsey
Role with Showtime Trivia:
Bill Bateman's in Parkville and Tilted Kilt in White Marsh
Favorite Movie:
Dirty Dancing
Favorite Food:
Italian and/or BBQ Food
Favorite Music:
Alternative Rock
Day Job:
Tilted Kilt
Hobbies/Fun Things You Like to Do:
Cheerlead, Longboard, Working Out, Cooking, Shopping
Share a Funny or Embarassing Story About Yourself:
I lost my bathing suit bottoms at the beach one year with a bunch of friends. I stood up from getting knocked out by a wave and my pants were no where to be found! :(
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you have to have with you?:
My baby blanket, iphone, my boyfriend
Why should people come play Showtime Trivia?
Because it's a good time! You actually learn new things and meet new people! There is always a good chance of winning a well!

Why yes, I do believe my library books ARE overdue!